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Kinda Funny

Iran's leader calls for TV debate with Bush

I thought this was kinda funny. From an article of the same title on

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called on U.S. President George W. Bush to participate in a "direct television debate with us," so Iran can voice its point of view on how to end problems in the world. "But the condition is that there can be no censorship, especially for the American nation," he said Tuesday. The White House called the offer to debate Bush a "diversion" from international concerns over Iran's nuclear program, Reuters reported.

Law of nature prevails in Vermont

This is kinda funny. From an article of the same title by Brian MacQuarrie in the Boston Globe:

BRATTLEBORO -- Here on the banks of the Connecticut River, in the busiest parking area of a downtown peppered with bookstores and coffee shops, more is meeting the eye than some people want. A politely rebellious collection of teenagers passing time in the Harmony Parking Lot this summer has taken to disrobing. Seemingly on a whim, they shed clothes and soak up the sun, nude. What began as a lark or an ode to youthful exuberance has now turned into a municipal quandary, because public nudity is permissible in Brattleboro. In the words of Town Manager Jerry Remillard, if you're naked in public, and you're minding your business, you're legal.

S.C. Bakery Bible Study Featured 'Buns'

From an AP article of the same title on

Customers in a bakery for a Bible study saw a different kind of buns Wednesday morning. A drunken teen came into the Atlanta Bread Co. shortly after it opened, used the bathroom in a storage closet, then walked out of the bakery naked, Bluffton Police Department spokesman Mike Creason said... Employees at the store said the Bible study regulars just shook their heads at what happened.

Shep Slip Up

Via Andrew Sullivan's blog, Shep Smith with a verbal slip-up on Fox News:

Vote 'None of the Above'?

Via the August 4-11 issue of The Week, from an AP article of the same title by by Beth Rucker:

A gubernatorial and U.S. Senate candidate felt so strongly about giving voters a "None of the Above" choice that he made it his middle name. Now, David "None of the Above" Gatchell is challenging the State Election Commission in court to get his middle name on the Nov. 7 ballot. Gatchell, a software developer from Franklin, ran as an independent in the 2002 governor's race on the platform that Tennessee election ballots should include a "None of the Above" choice for voters who don't care for any of the candidates. The issue was so important to him that he decided to change his middle name in August from Leroy to None of the Above... Tennessee election officials approved his petition to be on the ballot as an independent in both races, but in April the State Election Commission voted 5-0 to exclude his middle name from the ballot. A state law passed after Byron (Low Tax) Looper ran for state Senate in 1998 says if four or more members of the election commission vote that a candidate's name or part of the name is confusing or misleading, they may either omit the confusing or misleading portion of the name or require further information about the candidate be included on the ballot. Looper, who had his legal name changed to include (Low Tax), is now in prison for murdering his opponent, Sen. Tommy Burks on Oct. 19, 1998. Gatchell is suing the election commission to have None of the Above included on the ballot.

Another AP story by Erik Schelzig reported:

A man running for governor and the U.S. Senate does not have the right to use his middle name, "None of the Above," on the November ballot, a court ruled Friday... Gatchell, who changed his middle name from Leroy, said he planned to appeal. He argues that a number of state gubernatorial candidates - such as Walt "Combat" Ward and Carl "Twofeathers" Whitaker - have been allowed to include their nicknames on ballots, and that his middle name has been widely reported by news media and is known across the Internet.


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