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Kinda Funny

Send in the clowns to boost IVF success

From a Reuters article of the same title on

Israeli doctors have turned to a novel method to boost success rates of fertility treatments -clowning around. Although funny men with red noses and big feet are popular on children's wards in hospitals they are rarely, if ever, seen entertaining women trying to get pregnant. But after introducing clown therapy to patients having in-vitro fertilization, doctors at Assaf Harofeh Medical Center in Zerifin, Israel, said the conception rate rose from 20 to 35 percent.

Collection of Video Bushisms

There's a minute of Bushisms on video here.

Darth Vader is Rude to Subordinates

Edited footage of Vader being a jerk:

PNC Park Threatens To Leave

From an article in The Onion:

After five years of serving Pittsburgh as their state-of-the-art sporting facility, PNC Park, the home of the rundown, poorly maintained Pirates, said Tuesday it is threatening to leave Pittsburgh unless a new team can be built within the next three years. "I love the city of Pittsburgh, but the Pirates are an old, dilapidated club built from other teams' spare parts, and its very foundation is rotting away," the stadium said to reporters assembled in its press box. "I had every intention to stay here for the duration of my career as a ballpark, but given that I haven't seen any realistic long-term plans for improving my resident team's ramshackle condition, I would be lying if I said I wasn't thinking about taking my services elsewhere."

Yoda Rap

Did you know that Yoda can rap?


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