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Law of nature prevails in Vermont

This is kinda funny. From an article of the same title by Brian MacQuarrie in the Boston Globe:

BRATTLEBORO -- Here on the banks of the Connecticut River, in the busiest parking area of a downtown peppered with bookstores and coffee shops, more is meeting the eye than some people want. A politely rebellious collection of teenagers passing time in the Harmony Parking Lot this summer has taken to disrobing. Seemingly on a whim, they shed clothes and soak up the sun, nude. What began as a lark or an ode to youthful exuberance has now turned into a municipal quandary, because public nudity is permissible in Brattleboro. In the words of Town Manager Jerry Remillard, if you're naked in public, and you're minding your business, you're legal.

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