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Kinda Funny

Christian Paintball

Via J-Walk: Anyone up for a game of Christ-like paintball?

Internet Hunting

From an article titled "Online Throngs Impose a Stern Morality in China" by Howard French in the NY Times:

It began with an impassioned, 5,000-word letter on one of the country's most popular Internet bulletin boards from a husband denouncing a college student he suspected of having an affair with his wife. Immediately, hundreds joined in the attack. "Let's use our keyboard and mouse in our hands as weapons," one person wrote, "to chop off the heads of these adulterers, to pay for the sacrifice of the husband." Within days, the hundreds had grown to thousands, and then tens of thousands, with total strangers forming teams that hunted down the student, hounded him out of his university and caused his family to barricade themselves inside their home. It was just the latest example of a growing phenomenon the Chinese call Internet hunting, in which morality lessons are administered by online throngs and where anonymous Web users come together to investigate others and mete out punishment for offenses real and imagined.

Hawaii Supreme Court rules golfers not liable for errant balls

Good news for me...from an article of the same title in USA Today:

The Hawaii Supreme Court has ruled a golfer may not be held liable for mistakenly hitting another golfer with an errant golf ball. In a unanimous decision, the court upheld a lower court ruling to dismiss Ryan Yoneda's lawsuit against Andrew Tom, whose wayward ball hit Yoneda in the eye at Mililani Golf Course in 1999. Chief Justice Ronald Moon wrote Yoneda assumed the risk of the injury when he played golf. It is "common knowledge that not every shot played by a golfer goes exactly where he intends it to go," the ruling said, adding there wouldn't be much "sport" in the "sport of golf," if golf balls went exactly where the player wanted. The April 28 ruling makes clear a golfer who intentionally hits a ball to inflict injury, or recklessly hits the ball knowing that injury is highly likely, would not be exempt from liability.

Your mic's on...I know it's on!

Via Dvorak Uncensored: An article by Kurt Bayer on titled "Minister's microphone causes a wee splash at church" describes an embarrassing moment for Rev John Hawdon:

A MINISTER had his congregation squirming with embarrassment when he used the toilet during a service and forgot to switch off his clip-on radio microphone. The Rev John Hawdon was standing in for Elizabeth Kay at Longforgan Parish Church in Perthshire. But when nature called during a break in proceedings, he forgot to switch off his microphone, which broadcast his every splash and sigh to the congregation. Speaking at his home in Dundee last night, Mr Hawdon said: "I actually had a walk during the service, as I often do. But the congregation must have heard everything. I wasn't aware that I still had my microphone on." A parishioner said: "It was mortifying. Every sound boomed and echoed around the church. We all sat there looking at each other, totally embarrassed. One or two folk managed a wee giggle."

The Brangelina Baby

Read or (better yet) listen to Matt Haber's piece on Slate titled "The Brangelina Baby. What it means for you and your family." I got a few chuckles out of it.


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