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Widows Helping Widows

From an AP story by Jason Straziuso in The Seattle Post-Intelligencer titled "9/11 widows help support Afghan women":

The two American women walk down a fly-infested alley where sewage from mud huts drains onto the dirt walkway. In a tiny back yard, they find two dozen chickens, five children and one Afghan war widow. Patti Quigley and Susan Retik -- whose husbands were killed in the Sept. 11 attacks -- decided to use the financial support they received afterward to help war widows in Afghanistan, where the al-Qaida planners of the terrorist strikes found harbor... Quigley and Retik were both pregnant when hijacked jets carrying their husbands crashed into the World Trade Center, and they met after the attacks. Retik saw an Oprah Winfrey show on Afghan women soon after the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan in late 2001, and the two widows decided to help Afghan women... 2004 they created Beyond the 11th, a non-profit foundation to aid widows in areas touched by conflict.. "We wanted people to understand that these widows were widows because of the same terrorists that affected our husbands. The terrorists were in that country, it doesn't mean they were from that country."

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