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Star Wars

Last weekend, on the occasion of the purchase of a new TV and surround sound system, we watched Star Wars as a family. Only very, very rarely do the boys get to watch a PG movie (Incredibles, Ants, maybe one or two others). Even many of the G movies are out of bounds in our household with violence or excessive negativity. Obviously, we decided to make an exception last weekend. It was funny how much of the story they already knew from miscellaneous kids books. Also, Elliot was very interested in categorizing each character as good or he has always wanted to do with my old Star Wars action figures that they play with. I remember going to see Star Wars in the theater. I was 5. When my mom asked me if I wanted to go, I remember that it was kind of a shock that going to the movie theater to see a movie like Star Wars was something I could do. I also remember that we had recently been to the beach, and my back was pealing.



So is this new T.V one that "fits" better in your downstairs shelving?


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