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Miscellany 10 Apr 09

» You might be confusing tyranny with losing...

» A reminder about the big picture regarding faith and politics

Psalm 146:3-6

3 Do not put your trust in princes,
       in mortal men, who cannot save.

4 When their spirit departs, they return to the ground;
       on that very day their plans come to nothing.

5 Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob,
       whose hope is in the LORD his God,

6 the Maker of heaven and earth,
       the sea, and everything in them—
       the LORD, who remains faithful forever.

Isaiah 14:13-17

13 Who has understood the mind of the LORD,
       or instructed him as his counselor?

14 Whom did the LORD consult to enlighten him,
       and who taught him the right way?
       Who was it that taught him knowledge
       or showed him the path of understanding?

15 Surely the nations are like a drop in a bucket;
       they are regarded as dust on the scales;
       he weighs the islands as though they were fine dust.

16 Lebanon is not sufficient for altar fires,
       nor its animals enough for burnt offerings.

17 Before him all the nations are as nothing;
       they are regarded by him as worthless
       and less than nothing


Interesting, I don't remember Stewart making fun of the leftists who constantly accused the Bush Administration of being facist, taking away our rights, etc.  I guess he was too busy bashing the Bush administration himself.
Jon Stewart hits both sides equally?  What a joke.

He definitely gives both sides plenty.

That was a great article about the digital Samaritans. The video was funny and I thought brought out some valid points.

On the flip side, I'm reminded of the "Enforcers" episode of This American Life (link) about people using the internet to scam scammers.  I like the digital Samaritans better.

Yeah -- just like FOX News definitely gives both sides plenty.

I don't watch Fox News, so I can't really comment on how much they spread it around.  I did read their VP of programming talking about being the voice of the opposition.  However, I do watch Jon Stewart regularly, so I know for a fact that he doesn't give any politician a pass.

Its not that he gives anyone a pass. I think the fundamental problem with trying to be balanced is that our worldview, our narrative, affects how we interpret the data. Causing our biases. What Jon Stewart sees wrong with the Democrats is not what the Republicans see as wrong with them, for the most part. Or any journalist for that matter. People with fundamentally different worldviews ask fundamentally different questions. And the lack of asking the questions I would ask appears to be bias.
Its why you shouldn't get your news from only one source.

That's a reasonable explanation.  I like it.

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