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Love Thy Neighbor

Via This American Life episode 184 (from March 2001), from an article titled "Love Your Neighbor is suing one, instead" by Dawson Bell of The Detroit Free Press:

In a dispute that appears to pit the golden rule against the rule of lawyering, a tiny, Florida-based charity called Love Thy Neighbor is being sued for trademark infringement by a Detroit entrepreneur whose enterprise goes by the name Love Your Neighbor. Catherine Sims and Love Your Neighbor claim that the charity has confused potential customers and resulted in "lost sales and profits." Love Your Neighbor sells jewelry and trinkets. Sims wants monetary damages from the charity, in addition to an end to the use of the phrase. The Florida charity, which aids the homeless, is violating the law by identifying itself in a "confusingly similar" way, according to Sims lawyer Julie Greenberg of Birmingham. Arnold Abbott, who founded Love Thy Neighbor in 1992 in memory of his deceased wife, said the lawsuit, filed in March in federal court in Detroit, is the latest in a string of actions taken against him by Sims since 1998.

In Sims' defense, US trademark law requires you to defend your trademark against any infringement or lose it...

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