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Letter from Ma-maw - August 1990

A couple weekends ago when I was cleaning out the basement, I came across an old Bible of mine and found a letter from my paternal grandmother. It's dated August 26, 1990 (the summer between my senior year in high school and freshman year at Lipscomb). It's written on one of those "Footprints" cards. Below I've typed out the letter in case the images are hard to read. mamaw-8-26-90-0.jpg

Hello, Again! It was so good to see you in passing! So thank goodness, for small favors! Now, one more week 'til we'll be able to see you a little longer! Hope you had a safe trip back up the mountain. Thanks for the beautiful for letter. I was so pleased that you took the time to write me. I'm sure you will do well in your studies -- you are college material, you know; and as long as you keep your priorities in order you'll see. I know it will be harder than high school but shucks, man! You're an adult now -- You can handle it. Right? I'm going to Connecticut to see Alice next month. My flight reservations are for Sept 15th-22nd -- Sat. to Sat. I'm really looking forward to going, especially since I didn't get up there last year. I'm feeling better this year if Old Man Arthur(itis) will co-operate. Friday Richard and I were sitting here at my dining table playing Battleship -- just happened to look out and there was a groundhog playing around on the patio! He seemed perfectly at home; in fact he went in a hole at the edge of the slab, so he may have a home under my patio. I'm not sure it's safe (?) to sit out there -- never know what will pop up. I've had cats, dogs, chip-monks, squirrels and all kinds of birds in and out. Birds even fly into the glass doors and injure themselves and need doctoring etc! Oh well! I may turn out to be a bird watcher! I keep busy sewing and reading. I've just re-read Tony Hillerman's "A Thief of Time." Tony writes a lot about Navajo tribal police -- novels on a police line and also lots about the Indian way. Pretty interesting and cleaner than most -- once in a while a few four letter words -- novels. "The Fly on the Wall" by Tony is good, too; about a reporter uncovering scams in gov't in Washington. I really do like to read good human interest fiction. The new Gospel Advocate is out -- all about "One Nation Under God." Some very interesting articles -- I even learned something about God Bless America by Irving Berlin. This whole week-end has been a little quiet with most everyone in Raleigh. I kept Kathryn Fri. p.m. and Sat. p.m. since Jeannie was working. She had fun -- dressing in my "older" clothes and putting on fashion shows, etc. You know her gift of imagination. She says when she grows up she wants to be pretty like Laura and smart like Jonathan! When Jeannie got home we sent shopping and then went to The Grecian House for dinnah! I had never eaten there and found the food very good (I loved their swordfish) so a good time was had by all. You might want to keep the poem on this card to read and re-read. It's one of my favorites. Let me hear again. Take good care and God bless! I love you, Ma-maw



I'm going to have to ask Kathryn why she didn't want to be smart like me when she grew up?????

Or pretty like me!

You are both very pretty and very smart and I'm lucky to have your influence.

You all three are very pretty and very smart. You must take after Ma-Maw. Did you keep the card? I come across old letters all the time, read them, and stick them back to rediscover later...can't throw them away!

No, I decided not to keep it. I decided to try to make an effort to scan things to keep electronically.

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