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Ironic DUIs

July 2006 seems to be the month of ironic DUI incidents... First, in mid-July, Peter Coors (executive of the Coors Brewing Company) lost his license as a result of a May incident. From an AP article on

Beer baron Peter Coors' driver's license has been revoked after his arrest for drunken driving following a wedding celebration. Hearing officer Scott Garber ruled Friday that Coors did not stop at a stop sign and was driving impaired on May 28. Coors, 59, said he had consumed a beer about 30 minutes before leaving the wedding, the Rocky Mountain News reported Saturday. He faces a July 20 arraignment and has 30 days to appeal the revocation.

Then, at the end of July, Mel Gibson (who has long been dogged by charges of anti-Semitism due to his Passion of the Christ movie and statements about the holocaust made by his father) was arrested for DUI and made sexist and anti-semitic comments. described the controversy and showed some of the police report here.

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