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Elliot Turns 9

We celebrated Elliot's 9th birthday this weekend.

We started out by heading to Ann Arbor to see Justin Roberts perform his brand of clever kids pop/rock at The Ark.  I'd sent Justin an email ahead of time to let him know that we were planning to attend for Elliot's birthday and requesting that he play his song "It's Your Birthday."  The boys were surprised when Justin introduced it, "I hear there is at least one person in the audience celebrating a birthday today…Elliot, are you here?"  Finn grabbed Elliot's arm and made him raise his hand in response.  Here's Justin's "It's Your Birthday."

Here are a few photos from the concert:

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…and a few more of our favorite Justin Roberts songs:

For dinner, as we do for most birthdays, we went to Genji Japanese Steakhouse.  Here are a couple more photos:



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