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Devotion from the heart

From an article of the same by Sandra Sutton of the Midland Daily News:

Area Hindus joined Hindus around the world last weekend to celebrate the importance of knowledge by honoring the god of knowledge, Ganesh. Sunday was Ganesh's birthday, but Midland Hindus gathered Saturday in the Grace A. Dow Memorial Library auditorium to celebrate. Ganesh is one of thousands of Hindu gods. Siddhesh Shevade said special attention was paid to involve children in the festivities. Little ones with American accents were guided by parents with Indian accents through each step of the "puja," or prayer ceremony... Before the puja, images of Ganesh, who has a human body and an elephant head, were explained. For instance, Ganesh has large ears, which symbolize listening well, and a large belly, which shows the importance of digesting all that is good and bad in life.

Large ears and a large belly...I don't want to hear any jokes about what Ganesh and I have in common. The little boy in the picture is our friend Sid and the barely-visible face in the upper right corner is our friend Madan (Sid's dad). Though it didn't make the paper, I whipped Madan on the golf course Saturday afternoon. somasi.jpg


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