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Our Family

Grandma's Pumpkin Patch

On Tuesday Grandma and Grandpa B and Aunt Robin came up and went with Lisa, Elliot, and Finn to Grandma's Pumpkin Patch...


Sarah Groves

Last night Lisa and I went to see a concert by Sarah Groves (one of Lisa's favorites), Chris Rice, and Jars of Clay.  Overall, Lisa said the experience was inspiring.  All three performances were all quite enjoyable, though Lisa would have preferred a little more Sarah and a little less Chris.  Elliot and Finn stayed home with Jordan the babysitter and watched Herbie Goes Bananas for movie night.

NU and Car Show

Elliot, Finn, Gary, and Jonathan went to the Timberwolves game (they defeated Hillsdale 49-20 to get their 5th straight win) and walked around a little bit at the Northwood car show on our way out.  In one of the photos below, you'll see what set of wheels Gary was admiring...


Asleep at the Laptop

When Finn was sick last week, he fell asleep in some funny places because he was so tired but refused to lie down on his bed...

Eli and His Mom


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