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Our Family

Disney Part 2

In addition to spending some time at the pool on the day we arrived in Orlando, we also made a visit to Downtown Disney where the highlights were a visit to the lego store and dinner at an Irish pub. We spent Thursday at the Magic Kingdom. First on Elliot's wishlist was Space Mountain which he and I road first thing. Here are a couple videos (Elliot after Space Mountain and Finn during a rollercoaster ride) and photos (the sword was not removed from the stone...neither of the Moore boys is the true king of England).







lego store


lego sea serpent



Disney Part 1

On Monday we returned from 5 days in Orlando. Brace yourself for the barrage of photos and videos. We flew out of Flint Wednesday morning. They needed to block off our row for on the plane for some reason, so they bumped us up to first class rather than move other people around to get us seats together. We stayed at the Animal Kingdom lodge. There were giraffes and other wildlife right outside our window. Lisa really liked the decor and the high ceilings of the lobby. The boys enjoyed the pool and Elliot, especially, the water slide. We spent Wednesday afternoon at the pool. We rode a bus back and forth from the hotel to the various different parks: Magic Kingdom on Thursday, MGM on Friday, Epcot on Saturday, and the Animal Kingdom on Sunday. Here is a video from the airplane and then some photos:


waiting for the bus


waiting for the bus


waiting for the bus


Animal Kingdom Lodge


Animal Kingdom Lodge


in the pool


in the pool


in the pool



Finn's First Soccer Game

Finn's first soccer game was Saturday afternoon. He seemed to have a good time running around. He made a point to tell me that he didn't fall down though once he came close to falling over in the goal. It did seem that one of his main objectives was to adjust his running trajectory to avoid any collisions with many of the other players who were a head taller than he...and with the secondary objective of getting near the ball and kicking it as a nice-to-have bonus. Here are a few photos and a video:


Loons Game

Sunday afternoon Elliot went with a friend to a Great Lakes Loons baseball game. He had a hot dog, popcorn, and a lemonade. They also played some hitting game, ran the bases after the game, etc. Here is a photo: 157213945_518089424_0.jpg


Today was my fourth straight day of feeling miserable...fever, headache, stomachache, coughing, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, etc. Lisa and Finn have been sick too. Tonight I'm finally feeling a little better. Elliot has been the only one unscathed so far. I took Elliot to baseball practice tonight while Lisa took Finn to urgent care. Ears, lungs, etc. checked out fine. Probably just a virus.



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