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Elliot's Birthday Party

Elliot had a birthday party with his friends a week ago. Here are some photos:


Green Stripe

The Saturday before last Elliot successfully tested for his Taekwon-Do green strip belt. Here are a few photos:


Basketball Class

For the last few weeks Elliot's been going to a basketball class for an hour on Saturday mornings at the community center. I know I'm not objective, but so far everything that Elliot has done (school, baseball, soccer, Taekwon-Do, etc.), he's always one of the few best kids in the game or in the class. He's smart, athletic, and competitive, but I think a big part of it is that he pays attention and focuses, listens to the coaches or teachers, and quickly learns how to be successful. Anyway, basketball is apparently no exception. Here are a few photos and videos from last Saturday:


Here he making a steal but missing the fastbreak shot at the buzzer





Here he is picking up a loose ball, breaking down the court, and making the shot this time







Here he is barely missing a shot and then playing some defense







Finally, here is with a nice cross-over dribble before getting mugged





We Didn't Eat Any Chocolate

Elliot needs to recruit a new partner in crime. Sunday evening the boys and I were at home while Lisa was out. I was riding the stationary bike in the basement, and the boys went upstairs for a while. Later on in the evening, as they were getting ready for bed, Finn said to me out of the blue: "We didn't eat any chocolate." Of course, it didn't take us long to interrogate Elliot and find out that he and Elliot had managed to get into candy they received at a birthday party Saturday night. Then, when I came home for lunch on Monday, Finn met me at the door. He said, "Smell my breath." I did, but I didn't smell anything. "It smells like sugar," he said. At first I assumed he had eaten some candy. Instead it turns out that, while Lisa was showering, the boys got into the sugar bowl and enjoyed a pack of artificial sweetener.

Elliot's Kindergarten Progress Report

From Elliot's Kindergarten Progress Report:

Elliot is at the top of the class. He is an outstanding student in every area. Elliot is currently reading at level 13 and can figure almost every new word he encounters. He is an excellent math student adding numbers beyond 18 and quickly catches on to new concepts. He is a great little soccer player and has many friends. Elliot is a true joy to teach. He has a wonderful personality, a positive attitude, and is self-confident.


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