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Roll your own Battlestar Galactica video

From Boing Boing:

The most awesomest scifi show on television just launched a fun online experiment. The team behind Battlestar Galactica is providing fans with a web clipboard of special effects shots, sound effects and music tracks so they can create their own BSG videos. Executive Producer David Eick will pick the best one, and it will air on the network during an upcoming episode.

HIP-HOP - Beyond Beats and Rhymes

While riding the stationary bike yesterday I watched the most interesting documentary that I've seen in a while. It was part of PBS' Independent Lens series titled "HIP-HOP: Beyond Beats and Rhymes." The filmmaker Byron Hurt examines the issues of violence, misogyny, and homophobia in hip-hop and rap music. The musicians themselves tended to make the excuse that they were only responding to market demands, giving the people what they want...or at least giving the record executives what they will pay for. Its sort of a chicken or egg question since we know that marketing tends to shape public demand as much as public demand drives what content companies market.

The 1/2 Hour News Hour Part 2

Halfhournewshour_logo.jpgThe second episode of The 1/2 Hour News Hour aired last night. I thought it was even less funny than the first episode. On the other hand, there was one segment where the correspondents were discussing various terrorist acts and trying to figure out what was the common thread between them. As the names of the perpetrators were read one after the other, it was obvious that the common thread was that they were all muslim. The joke was that the correspondents had a hard time figuring it out since everyone knows that "Islam is a religion of peace." Lisa thought that segment was quite funny. Me, not so much.

TV Picks from The Week for Mar 5-11, 2007

Some of the TV recommendations from this week's issue of The Week:

Heroes/The Office Mashup


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