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Jonathan's blog

From the Tumblelog December 11-17, 2011

Dec 16


twittericonElliot tweets: Just went to see the movie The Invention of Hugo Cabret. It was ok. I'll give it 2 out of 5 stars.

facebookLisa says: Popcorn dinner at Hugo 3D with the family.

foursquareI checked in at Midland Cinemas Ncg (6540 Cinema Dr)

newsObama to sign indefinite detention bill into law

Dec 15

news"Paul Ryan is so close to universal coverage he can almost taste it!"

newsLawmakers Offer Bipartisan Plan to Overhaul Medicare

facebookLisa says: physics student quote of the day "this is not even a class, this is a torture chamber" hmm, not sure if i should be concerned or if i should scream MISSION ACCOMPLISHED

Dec 14

newsDebt isn’t immoral

newsReal Americans redistribute: The payroll tax debate’s dirty secret

newsO'Donnell on Romney: "That's one of the things that I like about him...he's been consistent since he changed his mind."

Dec 13

newsThe Increasingly Fraught Position of American Muslims - Conor Friedersdorf

twittericonElliot tweets: My school today had a gas leak. The building had to be evacuated. We stood outside for 80 minutes. It was crazy.

twittericonall caught up on Sons of Anarchy

newsLimbaugh Calls Poor Children Receiving Free School Meals "Wanton Little Waifs And Serfs Dependent On The State"


Sledding on Sunday

Last Sunday we went sledding with the younger Wanous boys.  Here are some photos and a video:








Bumper Sticker Fun

From the Kroger parking lot:


Attack In B Minor For Strings

Portlandia: Battlestar Galactica

So funny and true.  Here is the first segment:

Here is a "behind the scenes" clip that shows a bit from the second segment, but the second segment (with Olmos, Callis, and Moore) isn't online:


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