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Astronaut arrested in kidnap attempt

From an article of the same title in the LA Times by John Johnson Jr. and Alan Zarembo:

A NASA astronaut was arrested in Florida early Monday and accused of attacking a woman she considered her rival for the love of another astronaut, Orlando police said. Navy Capt. Lisa Marie Nowak, who flew last summer on a shuttle mission to the International Space Station, drove nearly 1,000 miles from her home in Houston to intercept the woman, who was just arriving at Orlando International Airport, police said. Nowak, 43, accosted 30-year-old Air Force Capt. Colleen Shipman in a parking lot and sprayed her with pepper spray in an attempt to kidnap her, according to a police affidavit.

That's not funny, of course, but the wacky part is this:

Police said Nowak drove from Houston wearing diapers so she would not have to stop to relieve herself, the Associated Press reported. Shuttle astronauts wear diapers during launch and reentry.

I'm always skeptical of slippery slope arguments, but here is some supporting evidence. I guess once you start wearing diapers, the convenience makes it tempting to do so under a variety of circumstances. ;-)


I read about this yesterday, and watched the news report on tv this morning. It is pretty amazing. Its easier to get into the NFL than it is to become an astronaut--these people go through rigorous mental evaluations, and its surprising that she could snap like this.If she could have just borrowed one of the space shuttles, it would have taken her less than five minutes to get to Orlando. "Where did I put those dang keys?!"

I work for NASA . . . this is SO embarrassing!

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